Sentencing Rules in Federal Criminal Cases


Federal criminal court has quite different rules and regulations than state court, including a stricter sentencing structure for judges. Help to minimize the consequences you face by hiring an experienced Riverside, CA, federal offenses attorney. 

If you are facing a criminal case in federal court, understanding the nature of your charges, the related legislation and statutes, and how they apply to the facts of your case could determine the difference between your freedom and incarceration. These laws can vary from state court to federal court – specifically, sentencing rules are different in federal criminal cases. If you are facing criminal charges, you are also facing strict penalties, and you should reach out to a Riverside, CA, federal offenses attorney at Delimon Law to discuss your case immediately.

Federal Cases Follow Strict Procedures and Judges Have Less Sentencing Discretion

When you have been charged with a federal offense, the way in which your case will be processed is completely different from how it would be addressed within the state or local court system. Judges in the federal system are often bound by minimum sentencing guidelines, and attorneys must follow complex procedural rules that can take years to learn and decades to master. This means that the quality of your legal representation can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case, as your attorney should know how to best defend against your federal charges.

The United States Sentencing Commission was established in support of reducing sentencing disparities while promoting transparency and proportionality in the sentencing of cases in the American federal criminal system. While such efforts are changing the way in which sentencing is approached in the federal courts, mandatory minimum sentencing and harsh sentencing structures persist and could be applied to your case.

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines May Impact Your Case

When a person is found guilty of a crime that is subject to a mandatory minimum sentence, the judge is required to issue a sentence that falls within the guidelines, regardless of the facts and circumstances of each situation. This can drastically reduce the negotiation room for you and your attorney in the plea bargaining phase of your case and can also lead to a substantial amount of time served in prison.

In the article “Mandatory Minimum Sentencing” by the United States Sentencing Commission, it was noted that in the year 2020 alone, some 15,274 cases involved an offense that carried a mandatory minimum penalty. The average length of prison time for a mandatory minimum sentence is 138 months.

Contact a Riverside, CA Federal Offenses Attorney To Discuss Your Case

Having an experienced attorney on your side to advocate for you on your federal criminal case can make the difference between living in or out of prison. The way in which federal cases process is based strongly upon procedure, and an attorney who knows the federal rules of evidence and procedure in and out can identify opportunities through which your case can be challenged – opportunities that less-experienced attorneys might overlook.

To achieve the best possible advocacy on your federal criminal proceeding, a Riverside, CA, federal offenses attorney can help. Reach out to Delimon Law today to schedule an appointment to chat about the options on your case.