Police Brutality is More Common Than You Might Think


While it is generally assumed that the role of the police is to protect and serve society, there are times when the opposite occurs. Instances of violence perpetrated by the police are relatively common in the modern press, with wrongful death lawsuits and police brutality cases featured regularly on the news. According to the Washington Post, some 961 people were shot and killed by the police in the past year alone. 

While such an alarming number of individuals are being killed by police, a great many more individuals are being harmed. If you are in this situation, you have rights, and a Riverside civil rights lawyer can help.

Hundreds of Thousands of Police-Initiated Uses of Force Happen Each Year

recent study by the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics found that .20% of white individuals experienced police-initiated use of force in an encounter with an officer/s, while .86% of Black and .72% of Hispanic respondents experienced police-initiated use of force in their interactions with police. These percentages accounted for a total study population of 649,600, with a .23% overall experience of police-initiated uses of force through police-initiated contact or traffic-accident contact.

Of those 649,600 surveyed, some 1,494 persons experienced police-initiated use of force, a truly significant number given that there are 328 million persons living in the United States, which would make a rough estimate of the total number of police-initiated non-fatal uses of force to be at least 300,000 each year.

If you have experienced police brutality, it is important that you stand up for your civil rights and not accept illegal behavior from those meant to enforce the law. Without taking action, the trend of police violence could be allowed to persist as it has for many years.

Experienced Legal Advocacy is Essential for Police Brutality Cases

Law firms practice a wide variety of law, ranging from civil bankruptcy to criminal defense. Police brutality cases can be both criminal and civil, depending on how they are approached. Criminal charges for assault and battery might be pursued against the officers responsible, while civil damages for injuries, lost wages, and other factors might be pursued in civil court. Delimon Law has the experience you need to determine what your rights are, and what options might be available in terms of pursuing damages and/or criminal charges against the responsible officer.

Connect with a Riverside Civil Rights Lawyer Today

If you think you might have been the victim of police brutality, it is important that you discuss your issue with an experienced attorney who understands how to apply law, statute, and precedent to the unique facts and circumstances that you personally have experienced. Police brutality cases can be complex, and the legal team at DeLimon Law is here to help you navigate the process to achieve justice.

Reach out to us at (951) 382-5559 to schedule a free consultation today, or visit our site to book a time now.
